
The Options tab lets you set basic domain settings. The tab consists of four sections: Type, Options, Unknown Accounts, Antispam

Figure. Domain level management: Options tab.

Options tab: Type section

In the Type section you can set the type of domain. You can choose Standard (most common), Domain alias, Backup domain, Distributed domain, or ETRN/ATRN queue domain type, enter Value, etc.

Figure. Options tab: Type section.





This option is available for all domains except the standard one.

Multiple values can be specified in this field, separated by semicolons.

Port values can also be specified by adding a colon and the port at the end of the host name. This can be useful if your ISP blocks standard ports.

Syntax: [{domain}{:port};{domain}{:port}]

Example: mydomain.com:81;

Note: When you put more IPs separated by semicolon into the backup domain Value field, IceWarp Server will try to connect these IPs in the entered order. When the first IP fails, it will try to connect to second one, etc. However, there will be a delay caused by timeout when waiting for the first IP response. Connections are done in a queue, not in parallel. When the first IP succeeds, IceWarp Server will not try to connect the second one in any case.

Warning: After some time of the first IP outage, there is no way how IceWarp Server could send emails to this IP when it is available again.

Note: It is recommended to use host names here. Using of IP addresses could cause problems if you decide to change them.

  • ETRN/ATRN queue: If the collecting server has a static IP address, then this field should contain the IP address. If the IP address is dynamic, the Value field should be left blank.

  • Domain alias: The field must contain the domain name of the server that you are aliasing.

  • Backup domain: Field can contain the host name or IP address of the server, where you want to forward. If the field is left blank, then an MX lookup is performed.

  • Distributed domain: Field should contain the IP addresses of the other servers in the distributed domain or can be left blank if MX DNS records are defined for all domains in the distributed system.

Note: You can use the authentication as described in Use relay server).

Note: In case the desired value is too long, use defined patterns (System > Advanced > Patterns tab) in this field. Use a pattern name in brackets: [pattern_name].

Note: This field is disabled for standard type domains. Although it is possible to access and edit it in WebAdmin, it does not change anything for this type.


Applies only to the Distributed domain and Backup domain types.

  • Distributed domain. Initially the Verification value is Default. This means that to locate the server where the user is created, the domain uses VRFY command (recommended). It is possible to use also RCPT command on servers that do not support the VRFY command.
    Selecting Use Minger with password activates the password field on the right. For more information about Minger server, refer to Minger Server in SystemNode > Services > General tab > SOCKS and Minger Server

  • Backup domain. Initially the Verification value is Default. For this type of domain it means that no verification is used. Selecting Use Minger with password for this domain type does not change anything.

Note: For both domain types you can use the response cache. In this case the result of a performed query will be cached. Also, you don't need another connection to a remote server for the next query.
Use the following API variables:

c_accounts_global_distributed_accounts_cache_enabled enables caching of distributed domains. Enter boolean value: true (1) - enables, false (0) - disables.
c_accounts_global_distributed_accounts_cache_max, maximal number of cached items. Enter an integer number. Zero means no limit.
c_accounts_global_distributed_accounts_cacheexpire, cache expiration in seconds. Enter an integer number. It is 3600 by default.

Set values are used for both Distributed and Backup domains.
Older MS Exchange versions (2000, 2003) do not support the VRFY command by default. This command can be disabled or you can use newer versions, suchas VRFY*. In this case, use the RCPT command instead.

Options tab: Options section

In the Options section you can enter IP Address, Hostname, Folder.

Figure. Options tab: Options section.



IP Address

You can enter an IP address to bind this domain to it.

The IP address is also used for authentication. If it is not set correctly then none of your users will be able to authenticate.

Note: To bind the IP address for outgoing connections, you have to enable the Use domain IP address for outgoing connections option. See Domains.

Note: To bind the IP address for logging in, set the C_Accounts_Policies_Login_DisableDomainIPLogin property to 0 using API console (File > API console...).

This applies for logging in with only user names. It is not necessary to set the value to 0 if you use the whole email address. In this case IP address binding is ignored.


Enter a domain hostname, which will be used for outgoing connections.

This setting can be essential for domain identification by various AntiSpam technologies, including Greylisting, SPF and Intrusion Prevention. If you enter the hostname than the hostname entered in System > Services > Smart Discover tab > SMTP is bypassed.

Note: This option can be used if you checked the Use domain hostname for outgoing connections checkbox (Domains & Accounts > Global Settings > Domains tab > Other) .


The name of the domain folder used for all domain settings and user accounts directories.

By default, the path to the domain folder is entered in the Mail path, System > Storage > Directories > Mail path

This acts as a prefix and is added to the mailbox path for all newly created accounts (within this domain).

Note: In case you have mailboxes with non-standard mailbox paths in a domain, create the externaldirs.dat file with these paths and put it into the IceWarp/config directory.

For example, most of your users are in a default domain folder. But there are some user acconts on a different disk (for example E) in the other_accounts folder. In this case add the E:\other_accounts path to the externaldirs.dat file.

Header / Footer

You can specify a domain header and footer. If the Header/Footer button is inactive, go to Mail > General > Advanced tab and check the Active checkbox in the Header/Footer section to enable it globally.

Open the domain Header/Footer dialog to specify your header and footer information. If the domain header and footer are not defined, the global ones will be used. Find out more in the global Header/Footer settings.

Refresh Directory Cache

Files/folders copied into mailboxes will not appear to users unless the directory cache is updated. Click the button to do it.

Note: If you copy files/folders via the internal (console) File manager, this action is not necessary.

Options tab: Unknown accounts section

The Unknown Accounts section of the Options tab specifies how to handle messages that arrive for delivery to undefined accounts.

Figure. Options tab: Unknown accounts section.




Specifies what should be done with a message if it came to an account that does not exist on the server:

  • Reject mail: The message is rejected and returned to the sender. This is the recommended setting.

  • Forward to (catch-all) user account: The message is forwarded to the email specified in the field E-mail (below).

    This setting can be useful if you wish to monitor all incoming messages. But you could receive a lot of spam.
    Also, in this way the ISP can offer unlimited email aliases. All messages can be sent to anything@domain.com and be delivered to this catch-all account. If you decide to use a catch-all user account, check the Add X-Envelope-To checkbox for that account (go to {user} > Options tab).

  • Delete mail: The message is deleted. The sender will not be notified.


In this field you can specify the email address, which will collect all messages for nonexistent accounts if the Forward to (Catch-all) option is selected. You can enter multiple addresses separated by semicolons. Use the ... button to open a dialog where you can select accounts or groups (for more information seeSelect Accounts ).

Send information to administrator

If this box is checked, the administrator's account will receive a copy of any message sent to any account that does not exist.

Note: This option applies only if Reject mail or Delete mail is selected in the Action field.

Options tab: Antispam section

Figure. Options tab: Antispam section.



Override global Antispam thresholds

Check the box if you want to use individual limits for this domain.

Score required to quarantine message

Check the box if you want to move a message to quarantine if the spam score of the message equals the selected value or is higher (Spam Scores Concept). Move the slider to change the value.

Note: The Quarantine function must be enabled for this control to work.

Score required to classify message as spam

Check the box if you want to classify the message as spam if its spam score equals the selected value or is higher.

Move the slider to change the value.

Score required to refuse message

Check the box if you want to delete/reject a message if its spam score equals the selected value or is higher. See Refuse message action in Antispam > Reference > Action for more details. Move the slider to change the value.