
The Action tab allows you to define what actions should be taken according to the Spam score.

Figure. Action tab.

Note: You should be aware that the spam score is always a value from 0 to 10, with 10 signifying the highest probability that the message is spam.
A score of 0 is assigned to a message if it bypasses spam processing.

Figure. General section.



Score required to quarantine message

Check this option to have a message quarantined if its spam score equals to or is higher than the value selected.

Move the slider to change the value.

Note: The Quarantine function must be enabled for this control to work.

Score required to classify message as spam

Check this option to have a message classified as spam if its spam score equals to or is higher than the value selected.

Move the slider to change the value.

Score required to refuse message

Check this option to have a message deleted / rejected (see further) if its spam score equals to or is higher than the value selected.

Move the slider to change the value.

Note: Quarantined messages are held in a pending queue waiting for authorization, manual delivery, or deletion.

Authorization is either manual, by a user or domain administrator using WebAdmin or IceWarp WebClient, or automatic if the sender responds to a Challenge Response email. Deletion is either manual, by a user or domain administrator using WebAdmin or IceWarp WebClient, or automatic if set within IceWarp Server.
See Quarantine.

Manual delivery can only be done by a user or domain administrator using IceWarp WebClient or WebAdmin.


Figure. Refusal section.



Refuse message action

Select an action for messages that are refused.

  • Delete: Choosing this option causes IceWarp Server to delete the message without informing the sending server, so the sender does not get information about it.

  • Reject: Choosing this option causes IceWarp Server to reject the message and sends an informational message to the sending server.

Archive refused messages to account

Select an account to have refused messages archived to. Use the '...' button to open the Select Item dialog.

This option works upon choosing either the Delete or Reject option (above).


Figure. Spam section.



Add text to Subject of spam message

Check this option to have text added to the subject of messages classified as spam.
Specify the required text in the text box.
Note that server variables can be used in this field.


You have a spam message with the following subject:

Cheap Meds Here

You can define this text:

[Spam %%SpamScore%%]

The user will receive a message with this subject:

[Spam 5.97] Cheap Meds Here

(If this score identifies the message as a spam.)

This lets your users define rules in their email clients to deal with suspected spam messages.

Default spam folder mode

Select whether users will have the Spam folders enabled.

  • Use spam folder: Messages marked as a spam will not be saved to the user's Inbox, but will be saved to a separate spam folder. You can further define spam administrator(s) who can maintain one or more spam folders.
    This can be a great time-saver for busy executives, allowing an assistant to check the Spam folder for any "real" messages and moving them accordingly

  • Do not user Spam folder:All messages – both spam and non-spam ones will be saved in the Inbox folders.

Note: Users who do not use spam folders does not see them in IMAP (nor in IceWarp WebClient).
There are two ways how to disable use of a spam folder for particular user:

User settings - Options - Spam folder mode = disabled (Do not use Spam folder)
User settings - Options - Spam folder mode

Antispam - Action - Place spam messages under spam folders = disabled

Delete spam messages from spam folders when older than (Days)

Specify a number of days after which messages are automatically deleted from the Spam folder.

Tuning Default Antispam Limits

Besides limits set in the console, you can use the API console to set other limits via API variables:

  • c_as_spammaxtextbyte (default 4096 B):increase this value to protect from spam that has small amount of text and a lot of images. This value works as a size of buffer for evaluation of regex based rules, so should be adjusted with caution, or the regex parser will run out of stack space.
  • c_as_ignorefileslarger (default 128 kB):the message limit should be increased with caution up to 512 kB. You can put more on systems which have a low Antispam load or where most of emails are being whitelisted.
  • c_as_live_ignorefileslarger (default 25 MB):increase only if you have a default setting in the Action tab i.e.: LIVE is only scanning small part of incoming messages, but typically it is good enough if you have already set mail limit to 10MB or so.