
The Quarantine function of IceWarp Server allows you to place incoming messages in a pending queue awaiting authorization.

Users can manage their own pending queue via IceWarp WebClient.

Domain administrators can manage all pending messages in their domain via IceWarp WebClient or WebAdmin. Furthermore users can access their quarantine queues, whitelists and blacklists via WebAdmin.

Valid options for a pending message are:

  • Authorize: which delivers the message and adds the sender to the quarantine whitelist and no further messages from him will be quarantined.
  • Deliver: which delivers the message to the recipient without adding the sender to the whitelist.
  • Blacklist: which simply deletes the message from the pending queue.

You can set whether external recipients of messages sent by your users are automatically added to the whitelist (see chapter Action).

You can set a period of time after which pending messages are deleted from the queue (see later in this section).

You can also activate a Challenge Response system, whereby an un-authorized sender can prove he is a real person by visiting a website (see later in this section).

You can see the status of the pending queue and the quarantine whitelist in the Spam Queues node of the administration console or WebAdmin.

Figure. General section.




Check this option to enable quarantine processing.


Click this button to jump to the quarantine queue in the Spam Queues node.

Note: Access mode to the service can be set on both domain and user levels. See the appropriate places ([domain] - Policies, [user] - Policies).

Figure. Options section.



Remove Pending messages after Days

Specify the number of days a message is held awaiting action.

Deliver expired messages to mailbox as Spam

Check this box to have messages delivered to your users (marked as Spam) when the quarantine period has expired.


Figure. Challenge Response section.

The Challenge Response that is delivered to the sender by IceWarp Server contains a URL that must be accessed in order to process the sender's confirmation (see the How it works section).

This same engine is used by the Web-based administration and by WebClient.



Send Challenge response email for messages to be quarantined

Check this option to have a Challenge Response email sent to senders of quarantined messages.

Note: For this feature to work correctly you must set the Antispam Reports URL correctly in the System - Services : SmartDiscover - URL section.


Specify here the sender that will be used in the SMTP protocol.

We do not recommend changing this from the default (empty) option, as this will cut down unwanted auto-responses etc.


Click the Message button to customize the Challenge Response message content.

The Message dialog will open allowing you to specify the From: and Subject: headers, and the message body content.

You can use system variables within the message body.

Note: The special variable %s must be included within the message body as this contains the URL to be visited.


The following confirmation request message has been generated by the mail server in response to the sender user@icewarpdemo.com who sent a message to the user xxx@webmail.domaina.com.

The Antispam Reports URL was defined as: http://%%Recipient_Domain%%:32000/challenge/


To: <user@icewarpdemo.com>

Received: from webmail.domaina.com

by mail.icewarpdemo.com (IceWarp Server 10.1.2) with SMTP id DEMO

for <user@icewarpdemo.com>; Sun, 07 Mar 2004 01:48:16 +0100

Date: Sun, 07 Mar 2004 01:48:16 +0100

From: Challenge Response <info@icewarpdemo.com>

To: xxx@webmail.domaina.com

Message-Id: <812060168@mail.icewarpdemo.com>

Subject: [Challenge Response] Confirm your email by visiting this URL


To prove your message was sent by a human and not a computer, visit the URL below and type in the alphanumeric text you will see in the image. You will only be asked to do this once for this email address.
