How to create a new task
Right-click Tasks icon
in Main menu or click New and select Task.
Fill in the appropriate information and click OK. The task will be added to your list of tasks.
General tab allows you to enter general information about the task: name, start and due dates, check status, add description and tags
Repeating tab allows you to select repetition period: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly.
Participants tab allows you to add any participant from your contact list. Double-clicking any participant will open edit window, where you can set Role and Status of that contact. Small Role and Status icons are displayed in front of the each name of participant.
Attachment tab allows you to upload or add any file as an attachment
Figure. Task creation.
Figure. General tab.
Figure. Participants.
Tip: Right-click the icon allows you to change Role or Status directly.
How to view a task
Click the Tasks icon in the Main menu. A list of tasks will appear
Double-click a task to open it