How to view a document?

  1. From Files & Documents, click on a document to view document entries in the Preview panel.

    Note: All existing documents are automatically available for preview in both private and public Documents folders. The menu bar next to preview provides additional options to work with the document: Details, History.

  2. Click once on a file's preview in Preview panel open the file in a new window. (See How to edit a document online)

  3. File is now opened as online document. Click the Close button on the window tab.

You can choose whether to open the selected file (doc., xls., ppt. and other formats) as WebDocument or open this file with Office suite. Right-click the selected file and choose Open in popup menu. There are 3 options how to open the file:

  1. Edit Online

  2. View-Only Online

  3. Edit In Office suite – requires a minimum Office 2013 installation.

Open document options.