New User
Click New user to create a new user account.
Figure. New user item.
Select a plan. Click Plan details
to open detailed information about each plan type.
Fill in all the user account details
First name
Last name
Alias that will be used as a part of email address
Figure. Create new user dialog.
Click Bulk create users to automatize the user creating process. Use .csv file format. The data format should contain four columns: email,first-name,last-name,password. Example:,John,Doe,sEcrEtpAssw0rd. If password is not defined, it will be generated automatically. Enable Advanced settings to process more columns from the file.
Click Save and add another to continue creating user accounts or Save if you want to create only one account.
You will be forwarded to a new window with user details. You can add and set new user details there. See Account.
Note: First name and Last name are optional fields. If you leave them empty, the system will automatically assign the first part of the alias as a name. The password is generated automatically. You may change it in the user settings later.