This API object is obsolete and no longer returns correct values due to change in internal license system.
To get license data call GetProperty('c_license_xml') instead. You will obtain all license data in the xml format.
IIceWarpLicenseDisp = dispinterface
property LicenseDemo: WordBool readonly dispid 201;
property LicenseAppID: Integer readonly dispid 202;
property LicenseDomains: Integer readonly dispid 203;
property LicenseUsers: Integer readonly dispid 204;
property LicenseProductID: Integer readonly dispid 205;
property LicenseExpiresAfter: Integer readonly dispid 206;
property LicenseValid: WordBool readonly dispid 207;
function ValidateLicense(const LicenseKey: WideString): WordBool; dispid 208;
function ValidateLicenseWithReferenceKey(const LicenseKey: WideString;
const ReferenceKey: WideString): WordBool; dispid 209;
property LicenseCreationDate: Integer readonly dispid 210;
property LicenseValidFor: Integer readonly dispid 211;
property LicenseCount: Integer readonly dispid 212;
function SelectLicense(Index: Integer): WordBool; dispid 213;
property LicenseXML: WideString readonly dispid 214;
property LicenseVersion: Integer readonly dispid 215;
property LicenseFraud: Integer readonly dispid 216;