
The IceWarp Server's administration GUI offers the following WebClient configuration options:


Figure. General tab.



SMTP Server

This field should usually be left blank to allow IceWarp Server to use the default SMTP server. Only change this information if instructed by support staff.

Note: The default for WebClient's SMTP and POP/IMAP is If you change the IP set for SMTP and/or POP/IMAP in the WebClient node, whatever IP you put there, it is the IP WebClient will connect to to send (SMTP)/receive (IMAP/POP) emails and the services have to be bound to such an IP (I. e. the web server has to be able to connect the SMTP server using this address.). So if you change SMTP and POP fields and put your server's NAT IP there, your SMTP and POP services (System - Services – double click the service) should be bound to <ALL Available> or, at least, you have to set binding to your NAT IP (<Service> dialog – Properties tab – Add button – IP Address dialog – IP Address field), so it responds and is accessible.

Note: It is possible to enter another IP address (separated by semicolon). In the case you use load balancing, it is to be the slave host IP address for the master server (defined here) and contrary for the slave server. In the case connection with the first server is lost, IceWarp Server will use the second one defined in this field.

For more details, refer to the WebClient Host subchapter lower.

Use SMTP authentication

Check the box if you want WebClient (browser part), when sending emails, to use SMTP authentication against either the SMTP server specified above or a localhost.

It is recommended to use SMTP authentication (do not turn this feature off, unless you know what you do); in this case, users limits are counted properly (even in the case, the users use the Personalities feature – see the WebClient User Guide – Tools Menu – Personalities section).

Note: If SMTP authentication is not used, the web server IP address has to be set as one of SMTP server trusted IPs. (By default, it is which is trusted, but should the setting be more complicated – servers reside on different machines – include web server real IP into SMTP server trusted IPs.)

IMAP Server

This field should usually be left blank to allow IceWarp Server to use the default IMAP server. Only change this information if instructed by support staff.

Note: It is possible to enter another IP address (separated by semicolon). In the case you use load balancing, it is to be the slave host IP address for the master server (defined here) and contrary for the slave server. In the case connection with the first server is lost, IceWarp Server will use the second one defined in this field.

IM Server

This field should usually be left blank to allow IceWarp Server to use the default IM server. Only change this information if instructed by support staff.

Note: SOCK server IP address has to be configured IM file transfer to work. This IP address is defined under the System – Services – SOCK service – SOCK tab.

Note: It is possible to enter another IP address (separated by semicolon). In the case you use load balancing, it is to be the slave host IP address for the master server (defined here) and contrary for the slave server. In the case connection with the first server is lost, IceWarp Server will use the second one defined in this field.


This URL is sent by SmartDiscover to clients that need access to IceWarp WebClient (typically IceWarp Notifier).

If there are defined virtual hosts (under the Web Service node – Web Service tab), this assigns which virtual host is used by a client.

Note: Default ports (80 for HTTP, 443 for HTTPS) are not specified. The use of different ports for control service is possible - they have to be defined on the System – Services – General tab in the Control service.

After this change, delete the whole URL field here and refresh this tab.

Allow SSO login only

Check this box if you want to enforce all users to use Single Sign-On.

For more information on SSO settings, refer to the Domains and Accounts – Management – Domains – Directory Service chapter.

Login with email address

Check this option to enforce the use of a full email address to login to IceWarp WebClient.

This is useful on multi-domain server installations as IceWarp Server will be able to locate the user information more quickly, and also caters for the same username being used in different domains.

Note: This login policy has to correspond with the server login policy – if you use email address login for the server, you have to use it also here.


Click the Database Settings button to set the WebClient database. The Database dialog opens.

Database Dialog

For detailed description of this dialog, refer to the F1 help – Shared Topics – Database Settings chapter. Find only settings specific for the WebClient database described lower.




Choose the connection string appropriate to the database system you are using.

SQLite is the default.

MySQL is supported. It requires the libmysql.dll file to be present in the Windows\System32 (for 32-bit OS) or Windows\SysWOW64 (for 64-bit OS) directories.

You should also ensure that php_pdo_mysql.dll is not commented out in your php.ini file (it normally is).

Note: After server upgrade, the php.ini file is overwritten and the php_pdo_mysql.dll command is commented again. You can either change it manually or ease your work using the php.user.ini file. For more information, refer to the Advantages of php.user.ini File section.

ODBC – should only be used for MS SQL databases.

Ensure that php_pdo_odbc.dll is not commented out in you php.ini file.

The supported and tested databases are:

  • MySQL community server (recommended), versions 5.0.x and 5.5.x (To make collation support working (national characters sorting), GroupWare and WebClient must use the same DB engine – MySQL.)

  • Microsoft SQL Server, version 2005, 2008 and 2012

  • SQLite

  • Oracle – over a direct driver (only for WebClient)

Note: If you have POP3 accounts and stat using a new database, users will lose all message statuses (read/unread) and all flags become red. To avoid this, convert accounts to IMAP first – use the pop_to_imap.html script (<install_dir>\html\admin\tools\) – then start a new PDO database.

For information about this conversion, refer to the Domains and Accounts – Management – User Accounts – Optionschapter – Type section.

Note: It is useful to know how to delete a user's cache. This can help to solve some issues where WebClient causes red bars (inacessible error) for a certain account. Check the phperror.log file (<install_dir>/logs/) for details. In case of using SQLite, simply rename or delete <install_dir>/mail/user/~webmail/cache.db. If you are using MySQL or SQL server for PDO, you can use a query such as this one:

DELETE FROM item WHERE folder_id IN (SELECT folder_id FROM folder WHERE account_id = 'user@domain.com')

Replace user@domain.com with account whose cache you want to clear.

Note: When you want to use a different database, always migrate – do not begin with an empty database. Although it works, it brings big performance problems.


The username to be used to connect to the database.


The password for the database.

Figure. Button bar.




Start the Service.


Stop the Service.