
IceWarp Server integrates many Antispam technologies to protect your users from spam. IceWarp Server uses SpamAssassin, Bayesian Filters, Greylisting, Razor and Content Filters, giving you one of the most comprehensive present-day Antispam tool set.

Whether a message is marked as spam or not is based on a score, up to 10. All of the Antispam technologies modify this score according to their findings. At the end of the whole process, IceWarp Server checks the spam score and acts accordingly. You have control over what spam score causes a message be classified as spam, quarantined, or deleted.

Antispam features

  • Antispam has the new internal processing that solves all problems and downsides of bypasses, access modes, multiple recipients issues, content filter collisions, and more.

  • Antispam and SpamAssassin scores are two separate values, logged independently in logs and header reports. This allows easier analysis and fine-tuning.

  • Smarter behavior of address book whitelists increases protection from emails with forged From through the setting in Mail Service -> Security -> General -> Reject if originator's domain is local and not authorized. According to this behavior both the From and the From header are checked, and in case either of them contains a local non-authenticated recipient, it skips all whitelists and bypasses (DB whitelist, IM roster whitelist). If SpamSkipBypassLocalUntrusted option (enabled by default) takes action, the whitelist is skipped even if the message should be quarantined.

  • Spam reports are DB-driven, have new Quarantine API, new scripts, automatic engine URL, support of single user/domain/ domain alias, speed, performance and memory optimizations, handle thousands of accounts, and provide logging. System URI's are updated from /challenge/ to /reports/.

  • Learning Rules EML Support: .eml files sent to learning rule accounts are processed accordingly.

  • Extended logging helps to see the real action of recipient. Multiple recipient messages are logged separately.

  • Asian Bayes are optimized for handling Chinese. It requires teaching. We recommend Asian SpamAssassin.

Note: Antispam is not performed for external recipients of distributed domains. This can be disabled by API variable C_AS_BypassDistributedDomain (set to false header). If disabled, Antispam functions in a way as if it is set for outgoing messages.